Tuesday, December 23, 2008

What Can I Say... It's a Gift!

Tis the season of gift giving... and ultimately "going for broke". And so, with all the dough we're all already coughing up on gifts and such, when it comes to the presentation there of (the gift wrapping that is), let's just say we all could probably stand to back away from the wallet and try another approach... Here's an idea, wrap our own gifts! Now, most of us hate it (and when I say us, I mean you... I actually don't mind it so much), but it can actually be fun, cheap and look bad-ass when we do it right. Above are a few of the gifts I personally wrapped myself... three different styles without even using more than 1/4 spool of wrapping paper. Here's the thing, just be creative and add your own little personal touch. Nothing says Love like a personally wrapped gift. Here's what I did for mine...

1.) The pink gift is from Victoria Secret (not to be confused with Victoria Secrets... apparently adding "s" to the end of store names is an African American epidemic-thanks Lauren). Anyway, like Vickie Seez, most places will give you a box and even the tissue paper to go inside for the FREE! The ribbon came from the bag handles they stuff all the purchases and box in, and the bow was made from two sheets of tissue paper (one for the top puffy part and the other for the crinkly ribbons hanging off). Simple huh?- and free.

2.) Now, don't let the second box fool you. It too is a box that came with the purchase free of charge. This one came from Bath and Body Works. Here's where we get clever (and when I say we, I mean I). Instead of wrapping the entire box (top and bottom) into one solid box that has to be torn open, only wrap the top of the box so the gift recipient only has to pull the top off and everything including the wrapping is still intact (maybe even to be used again, by them of course- the gift that keeps giving). To make the bow, I simply folded a small piece of the wrapping paper in half, cut triangles on each side to make the shape of a bow. Then, I took a piece of the already cut-out paper and wrapped it around the center to create a bow. Lastly, I taped it to the top of the box. Wha-lah!

3.) The third box, while it appears complicated with all the ribbons and curls and stuff, it's actually the easiest of them all. First, wrap the box however you choose (top only or top and bottom)... this box was provided by White House Black Market-free. Cut strips of the wrapping paper no more than 1/2" wide. Using the blade of a pair of scissors, pull the strips thru your fingers and the blade (this isn't dangerous I swear- ADULTS ONLY try this at home) until the paper curls to your liking. Then, just tape the curled strips together to the box. And there it is!

Trust me even the most domestic of the gift wrapping society will be jealous when they get a load of what you've created! Merry Christmas, Happy New Year's and save a little dough for '09... it's right around the corner.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Randomnes...I'm into it

That new Raphael Saadiq... Have ya'll heard his new album?... apparently it's all the rave and if it's anything like his new single(below)... sign me up (twice).

Love That Girl - Raphael Saadiq Sorry "they" won't let me post the whole song... go to imeem.com to hear it from beginning to end.