Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Oh Grasshopper...

Many of you may have already thought about this... but, awhile ago I got the bright idea to try-out a spa school for a massage and some other stuff (ehhem) . You basically get all the services of a regular spa at half the price. Whether it's a massage, facials, nails, waxing, make-up, botox etc... it's all el-cheapo! Why you shouldn't worry: the students that usually work in the clinics are on their way to graduating (usually in their last semester of study so they know a lot) also, there is always a professor/supervisor present. Another reason you shouldn't be afraid of a spa school is that they have to answer to a board that regulates the schools ciriculum, unlike regular spas that can just do them and hope no one sues. Many of the schools that offer these services are considered the best in their field period as well... definitely do your research ahead of time though. In Atlanta, I've tried International School of Skin and and I have to say I love them both. Be sure to call ahead because they, unlike a lot of regular spas, are appointment only and usually have to book pretty far out... talk about the Grasshopper showing the Sensei a little something something.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Newcomers comin up...

Dats wussup!
So, I rarely will shout a another blog, but I really like this dude! Check it and his mixtape it's kinda wussup... Cheers to something new- I get's with it... and I don't fux with much

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Presidential Sweet...

I've always wanted a gaudy gigantic desk fit for a king or as we like to do it the Ol' U.S. of A President... Anyway, but I never had the dough-lo to go out and buy one... These things are pretty expensive. What I do have though that may be worth more than a green paper-back is vision. Checkout my before and afters and the next time you see that too shabby executive desk or broke-up dream home or broke-down dream car close your eyes and envision what it could be... who knows there could be a diamond under all that rough... *Note* don't expect to not get dirty while you're doing all that digging, this was most definitely no walk in the park- HOLLA!
How I did it... (basic/short version)
1. Used paint thinner to remove a layer of the stain already present
2. Used wood putty to fill in dings and scratches, let dry and then sanded even
3. Coated several times til stain was even
*Doesn't seem like a lot... because it's not, but the steps take time so be patient and don't quit- because you will want to ;-).