Take this as a lesson learned... "if it's too good to be true, you may go to jail if you get caught"- I'm just saying, know your options. Now, in no way does this blogger condone actions that are of illegal nature or ethical corruption... that's why I'm confident I won't be sought out should this shyte hit the fan (I got witnesses, I'm innocent dammit). But nonetheless, just as I want to share my triumphs with you, it's only right I share a (singular) failure... so, here it is... grinned and bared.
My Mom (God bless her heart) sent me these unbelievable coupons that were (of course) not legit. Now, she didn't know they were fake when she sent them to me. And, I didn't know they were fake when I used them-oops... but, I do know now and I feel horrid. So here is my Scarlet letter for you all to see... the receipt. While I'm not taking the cheese-its I bought back (I already opened and ate half of 'em) I am warning everyone to be careful about the way we go about things. Granted this is a blog about saving money on those things we love (and everyone knows I love nothing like I love food and clothes), but it's about saving money honestly... so, I'm gonna take my $3.5o back to Publix... a clear conscience is a happy conscience. Who knows, maybe they'll let me keep it (Nah, I doubt it).